Below I've broken down my three favourite tipples in order of the cleanest and leanest of the bunch.
In at number one we have vodka and lime juice blended with frozen blueberries and raspberries. If it's not sweet enough add a bit of honey or maple syrup but I like it as it is. This 'recipe' is as simple as throwing everything into a blender and waiting until you have a lovely boozy smoothie. If you want a more authentic cocktail you would need to sieve this but as we're going clean and lean I feel the fibre in the seeds makes it much healthier!
In second place we have the trusty G&T, in this case jazzed up by a few drops of orange bitters. For the one below I've used a 1:2 gin to tonic ratio, I've then added a slice of lime and a few drops of Bob's Bitters' Orange & Mandarine - yum!
Finally, in third place is the humble - or not so humble depending on your price range - flute of fizz. In the photo below you are looking at Prosecco and Mimosas surrounded by our brunch at Hotbox in Spitalfields. I should point out it was my cheat meal and it was absolutely amazing!!! I've also included a couple of cheeky photos of what we ate. I know it's not clean and lean - as I said cheat meal material - so if you are in full clean and lean mode I'd probably stop here as even the Prosecco is surrounded by food! :)
Don't say I didn't warn you...
This is Prosecco, a couple of Mimosas, a side of avocado, a side of immense macaroni cheese and a half view of Polly's beef tacos - there's a better taco picture below.
This one is the brunch burger and is what I ate with the side of avocado. I will admit it was so massive and I did eat a fair amount of macaroni cheese so I left some bun but it was absolutely delicious. The copious amounts of bottomless drinks may have helped but I think the photo speaks for itself.
This is a better picture of Polly's tacos. At this point I should point out Polly is my housemate so she - or at least her food - may be featured a lot! The tacos were really good, especially the crispy onions over the top.
I hope I've helped with clean and lean drinks and not spoiled your happy diets with the brunch photos but I do think it's important to keep the cheat meals in there too. Nobody needs to stick to one food group the whole time!