Wednesday, 25 April 2012

For when you can't be bothered to cook!

Firstly many apologies for the lack of posts since I set this up - must become more organised!

Today I got home absolutely knackered and couldn't be bothered to even think about food.  I poured myself a glass of wine and settled down to watch Lord of the Rings with my flatmate.  Luckily she got a very long phone call and the film was paused for long enough to make me prise myself off the sofa to make dinner, I decided using my new Le Crueset pan would make getting up worth while!

Unfortunately as I have an electric stove I started with the heat way too high and almost burnt my onions, as you can see it was not such a pretty sight - luckily all was not lost and a tiny bit of water helped me along nicely!

I decided to persevere and lucky I did because I ended up with a most satisfactory meal despite that fact that I am going through one of those boring calorie counting phases.  In case anyone is looking for a yummy but still healthy dinner this is what went in to mine and my flatmate's dinner:

100g Free From Fusilli pasta
2 Red onions sliced
2 Large garlic cloves sliced
3 Medallions of be good to yourself bacon cut up into little pieces with a pair of scissors
1 Red pepper diced
1 Tin tomatoes
Squirt of tomato purée
A shake of dried basil and dried oregano
Salt and freshly ground pepper
Grated cheese

I cooked the pasta separately and fried off all the ingredients putting them in the pan in roughly the same order as they are listed here - once one bit is mostly cooked add in the next etc.  When it was all cooked I stirred the pasta through along with a little bit of the cooking water and then grated cheddar cheese over the top.  You'll be glad to hear despite a shaky beginning it was very tasty and even looked quite nice too!

Bon apetit!

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